Sunday, January 10, 2010

Conscious Christianity

why a blog? seems a bit egotistical, perhaps. maybe it is. to be honest, i have a tendency to pontificate, and this is a perfect venue for that. i also get very excited when i discover how to apply things about living in Christ to my everyday life. and when i discover things, i need to write them down so i don't have to be taught them again.

and again.

and AGAIN!!!!

up until a couple of years ago i was a blown-with-the-wind Christian. i loved Jesus, but had no idea how to apply the things i read in scripture to my everyday life.

these past few years i have learned to live my life in Christ with more consciousness. the things Jesus teaches me are so exciting at times that they almost knock my socks off! what's cool is that the learnings really are causing me to live my life differently. i thought i was doing that before, but in comparing that walk with my walk today, i realize that i hadn't a clue.

so i am taking the theoretical that we get from scripture and from the pulpit and i'm learning to take it a step further by asking Jesus about specific things, and then getting His answers. and yes, He does answer!

the first question took great courage, tho. it was the same one Jesus asked the blind man. "what is it you want?"

in asking that i had to allow that the answer might change my familiar, if uncomfortable way of doing things. i knew a pastor once who was afraid to give his life over to Christ 100% because he thought Jesus would make him become a missionary. he was very relieved when Jesus said being a pastor would be fine! and glad he'd had the courage to release himself to his Lord.

the first thing i had to release to Jesus was fear. i realized that each time scripture said "Fear Not!" it was actually a command. was my being afraid breaking a command of Jesus? i was shocked at that thought. the focus of my fear is irrelevant to this discussion, but the result, when i finally admitted it to Jesus, was awe-inspiring. i didn't know what to do, so i told Jesus that. i prayed and sobbed and said, "i'm sorry if i've been breaking a commandment. forgive me for my fear. but i don't know what to do about it. i have to leave it with You. whatever You decide should be done, i'm willing to go along with the plan."

yup. that was my great prayer, and that's what started me on a walk that would result in me actually gaining freedom in Christ.

it took about 6 weeks for that prayer to be answered. in God's amazing convoluted way He brought me to another church one sunday, and the preacher gave an interpretation of a little piece of scripture that blew the foundation of my fear right out of the water. and it's never been a problem since.

so there. post # 1 on my blog.

that was fun! :)

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