Sunday, January 24, 2010

Saving the Lost

I came across this article by A.N. Wilson called “Why I Believe Again”. The article is good article, but beyond that, it served as a marvelous springboard for a discussion amongst atheists and theists (and one agnostic) who raise some very compelling intellectual arguments addressing many facets of the age old question – is there a God, and if so is He The God?

I couldn’t help but respect the ability of the human mind to dissect and support aspects of a person’s experience and opinion. And the intellectual pride displayed is amazing!

In the end, thoug, one comment brought it all together, and made a point that I truly believe is the key when it comes to evangelizing the unsaved. God will do it when God knows the person’s heart is ready. All my efforts will be not just useless, but perhaps detrimental if I try to save others in my strength.

For me, spreading the gospel and evangelizing the unsaved is accomplished in a simple way. Every morning I pray and ask the Lord to use me as He chooses, according to His knowledge of both the listener (that would be ‘them’) and the speaker (that would be me!). It takes the pressure off me and puts the responsibility for saving lost souls squarely where it belongs – on Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Here is an idea:
    Jesus has died for all of us and therefore everyone is already saved and you do not have to evangelize.

