Friday, January 15, 2010

Sowing to the Flesh

Scripture talks about 'sowing to the flesh' and 'sowing to the spirit'. I learned some time ago that if I'm having trouble in my life, I need to identify that crop of trouble as something I'm reaping. If I'm reaping something negative, then I need to follow the trail back to see what I've been sowing that has allowed that nasty crop to grow.

For instance, one day during prayer time I found myself telling the Lord about an ongoing struggle I was having when I was called on to do a certain task. As we talked, Jesus gently asked me what kinds of seeds I was sowing when I thought about this task. I kinda hung my head as all sorts of negative words and self-pitying thoughts came to mind.

I was definitely sowing weeds. And they were flourishing!

So I've learned the lesson in that particular area. When I'm called on to do that task, I have a litany of good things I've identified that I can focus on, and the task really is way more fun, and actually rewarding! So this positive thinking business really works.

But the last few months my Jesus has been challenging me to take this a bit further.

Like many folk in our over-abundant, liesure filled society, I struggle with keeping my weight in check. I often mourn the loss of the 3 mile walk to the store (before there were cars), and the occasional famine (before there were stores)... And of course I carry out this mourning from my comfy lounge chair in my cozy living room with my hot coffee beside me and a full pantry right down the hall. (Woe to you, you hypocrite! LOL)

Anyway, after a morning step on the scale I would sometimes I lift up a half-hearted prayer to Jesus, asking for His help in controlling my desire for food to the degree necessary to keep my body at an average, healthy weight.

Did He answer my prayer? Abosolutely!

Did I listen?


"Why?" you ask! Here is a woman who purports to follow Jesus in all things, and He's giving you an answer? Why aren't you listening! And sharing!!!!

I'll tell you why. It's because my flesh doesn't want to let go of the control to self-nurture myself through satisfying the desires of my flesh! There. I said it. Confession has been made.

The answer Jesus gave me to my prayer was very simple. I must talk to Him each time I'm about to take something and put it in my mouth. Maybe I will say thank You for Your provision, if it's a regular meal. But I must also ask Him about how big a serving I should take, or if I should pick up that snack bar, or pop that chocolate in my mouth for no particular reason.

And that's where the hesitation kicked in, which turned to downright disobedience. I quickly left that prayer by the wayside (in the rocky soil?) and carried on in my comfy routine.

A few days ago the Lord impressed upon me the differences in sowing to the flesh and sowing to the spirit. Finally I took courage and thought about it in a little more depth. How much will I be giving up if I truly give over my eating to Jesus? Will He fulfill His promise that all things in Him are more wonderful than the things of the world? Can Jesus really nurture me to the same degree, in the same 'quick fix' method I'm used to when I pop something in my mouth over and over and over again?

And am I willing to give Him that opportunity?

I wonder if this is what Paul means when he talks about the "sacrifice of praise"? I want to praise Jesus in all that I do throughout my day. If I really make this decision to ....

Okay. I'm thinking "... to turn away". I must turn away from what I'm doing now. Turn away means that I'm repenting. I need to repent when I've sinned.

Oh Lord Jesus, is my refusal to turn my eating over to You a sin? I didn't realize that. Lord, I'm so sorry. I never want to purposefully sin. I never want to be separated from You, and I know that's what sin does.

But as I think about this, I realize that I have been keeping this eating part of me separate from You, because I don't want You to take it away.

Lord, can I trust that You'll replace it with something as good as food? What else is there that gives that quick-fix.... Good grief! I sound like an addict!

Okay. Enough. I have to head off to work now, but this is the end of this playing around. Jesus I give to You my eating habits. I WILL talk to You, I WILL consult with You each time I consider eating. And I know I'm going to mess up on this, so I am trusting You to keep reminding me until it becomes a habit.

I don't know where this will go, but Lord, I am stepping out in faith. I give this over to You.

In Jesus, I pray.

1 comment:

  1. Right on Bobbi. So simple and so true. It is not about your self-control but surrendering to His fruit of Self-Control through you. I love it. Just talk to Him before you put food in your mouth. Wow. and yup.
